News and Announcements of the website

Last update done on 18/06/2024
This is where I'll post the news and announces about the website, And also the changements done. (The date will be in the Day/Month/Year Format).

(I'll also talk about some of my activities)

You can also click on the button under to go to the E-mails page :

Hey everyone,It's been so long since last time I even worked on this website, I probably should have said that I wouldn't update this site very often due to me focusing on other projects and on real life stuff. I also need to update the cartoon section of the website due to Jacob Lenard (Surpringly) releasing ANOTHER EPISODE OF MUGMAN!!!! Looks like Mugman is back into action! (Though it is uncertain if any of the other character you know and love, such as Pementa, Sunshine, Teanna, The Wizard And Some others would come back, but only time will tell I guess). I also added a button in the Neocities part of the site in case any of you are feeling generous. I hope you guys are doing well. BYYYYYEEEEEE (And Happy pride Month)

Oh my Goodness, It's been a reaaaaaally long time since the last time I had ever done any significant update to that website, I was busy on some other projects, someone asked me if I was going to animate my Fan Fiction of Pementa
(Which you can read here in this link, more Episodes will come, and some of them are subject to changes (especially the Pilot).)
Anyways, I Need to update this website so more of you guys can know about this Fan-Fiction of Mine, and about the characters.

Also, one of my Project is a Video game called "Hellfire Vs the Officeman", and alongside a Fan Poster, I'll Send you the link to a Devlog Video

Sorry for not updating this website, but I was working on other projects, also thanks for the 20 Followers and 160000 Views!

It's been more than 1 Months since the last time I posted on this website... Happy Twodays By the way
( *・∀・)ノ゛

I have 2 Great news! The 1st one is that one of my friends Protoman/Blues is doing an Arabic dub of the "Mugman gets into shape", And the 2nd one, The arabic language will be added in the website very soon!

2021 wasn't any better than 2020, not only my christmas and my New year thing were the loneliest one I ever had, but the Virus situation didn't get any better (and probably turned to be worse than it already was), I hope your vacations/Holidays were better than mine...

01/01/ 2022 !!!!!!!
Happy new 2022 year guys! Just, look at how many 2 there are! I hope it's better than 2021, because I am sick of the virus (Not litteraly, just It's more annoying than scary)...

The new year's coming, and before saying farewell to 2021, I wanna thank you all for supporting my website and me... Well, guess I'll wait for 2022 to come...

09/12/2021 (100 000 Views)
Well... Looks like it had to happen... I got 100 000 VIEWS!!! Thank you so much guys for watching my website, and Thank you again for supporting it!
<(_ _*)>

I think I deserved the Silver Medal of Views (and In case it wasn't obvious, The Gold Medal is for the 1 Million views, that At least 100 Websites on Neocities have)

08/12/2021 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)
Alright! The Results are in! Time to show you the Arts I got for the Art Collab, and it's time to rank them
7th-Ryann2005 : This image may be the one with the lowest quality (and with the lowest rank), but at least, you participated, and it was kinda hilarious! Good job for making this!

6th-Memtoons : Next-up, We have Memtoons's Drawing, Which I find very cute, and a lot of efforts was put on this drawing. However, what made it low on this list was the lack of characters... But what counts is the intention :>

5th-Logan DW Abner : Then We have Logan DW Abner's Drawing! In my Opinion, it looks great! also, for those who are confused with the Blue Guy Punching the Pinata, it's actually a Stand (For those who don't know About Jojo's Bizarre aventure, A Stand is some sort of special power that can give it's user some abilities). Good job Logan ;)

4th-Colby : After that, we have Colby's Part of the Collab! I kinda helped him doing the drawings for the collab, and with all the drawings of the characters, Background and Cake, here is what the result looked like! Thank you very much Colby for Participating in my collab! :)

3rd-Jack Devlin Emerick : And now, the Bronze Medal is given to Jack's Amazing artwork! Not only he did a great and cute looking drawing! But he also made a French Version of it! Great Job Jack! You Did great!

2nd-Survival 46 : The Silver Medal Is given to someone, that kinda seemed familiar, Survival 46. And To be really honest, He did something that was Way beyond my Expectations! I'm honestly Impressed! ;)

1st-Parum : And Finally! The Golden Medal is given to a Close friend (And Someone who was a great fan of Lenstar's Stuff)! It's time to give the Congratulations to... Parum! Not only it show Parum's Favorite Lenstar Era (Very Late 2016-Very Early 2017), But it also looks very close to the original Artstyle! Congratulations, Parum! You deserved the Gold Medal!

Also, One last thing, Thank you some much, all of you! For Supporting the Website until now! I'm so happy that my Website got way more attention that I expected at the beginning... And thank you to those who participated in the Art Collab! It makes me so Happy... that I might cry due to how happy I am...

01/12/2021 [Collab Closed]
Alright guys, I'm Back from my Break, And I'm organizing an art collab... For the 1st Birthday of my Website! And if you want your arts to be Featured on the menu of the website, Here are some Conditions to respect
1st-The Art has to feature at least 5 Characters from at least 3 different Lenstar Series (Your OCs are allowed to assist to the party, but the limit is up to two OCs, And the minimum of Lenstar character is 4 for 1 OC (of yours) and 5 for 2 OCs (Of yours))
(If you wonder what characters counts as "Lenstar Characters", you can check the "Character" Page of the website)

2nd-Since it has to be a Birthday Party (Because Birthdays sucks without a party), There has to be some Birthday Decor (Balloons, Confettis, you get the thing) and You have to choose a scenario that is fitting for a Birthday, here are some examples :
Scenario 1 : The Characters are eating the Birthday Cake (You can Choose what is the cake)
Scenario 2 : The Characters are playing some games for the Birthday Party
Scenario 3 : One Character is trying to Hit a Piñata (And not a Real Person) while the others are watching
You Can of course, choose your Own Scenario, as long as I consider it good enought for a good and Happy Birthday

3rd-The Recommended Size for the art is around 780x500, 1 170x750 or 1560x1000, or even 3120x2000 (you get it, a factor of 780x500)

4th (Optional, but recommended)-You can add a Watermark, or your text to credit your art (If you don't write the credit, I'll add the credit in a Font I'll think about later)

5th-I mean, this collab is meant to All Artist, regardless of their Skills, but please, The art has to have a minimum of Quality, so I'll be more likely to accept the art

6th (The Most obvious One)-No Sexual, Offensive stuff or fetishes, Gore/Blood is also restricted to a certain (and low) level (I'll tell you when you send me your art whenever it's acceptable or not), Also if you art isn't accepted, you don't have to go apesh*t, and you know right you still have a chance to retry making another art (or make your previous art better) that might be accepted and featured.

7th (Last, but not least)-To make sure that I don't mistake your tweet with a spam, you'll have to add your subject as "Mugman FR Art Collab" (And please, for the sake of me finding your Mail, make sure you don't do any Typos)
For those who are new there, my E-Mail adress is

And One last thing : the Deadline for the art is The 8th of December, at midnight (in UTC+1), Which is the Birthday of the Website. If you Wanna join the collab, Then what are you waiting for? Prepare your pencils (or Mouses) and Get ready to show me your Drawings!

As I promised, I finally made the Page in "Cartoons" for Jacob Lenard's other cartoons!
And I'll finally take a break from this website...

Wish me good luck guys! I'll soon get to 100 000 views!

I haven't made any post for like Three weeks, so Happy Halloween Guys! I hope I'm not too late tho... Also sorry for not making any Halloween Arts... I'll try to do some later...
( *・∀・)ノ゛

I Feel like I've been Neglecting Pementa for too long... So I've made a drawing of Pementa...

Alright, the results are in. The Mail Page will stay open, but I'll set a specific E-Mail adress
for those who wanna send me Mails about this Website. I'll tell you whenever I get this specific new e-mail adress.

Also, since I didn't get any Mails For 9 or 10 Months, I suppose I have no other Choices than to do a Poll for to either keep the E-Mail page or Change it into an archive...
Vote Wisely, because there is no back to. The Poll will be over on the 1st of October 2021
(The Pool is Now Closed)
I probably will add a new page in "Cartoons" for Jacob Lenard's Other Cartoons (Like Loose ends or Plancy's world)... When I'll get the motivation and the mood to do it
╮(─▽ ─)╭

School is back, and so I am! And I will try to be more active on the website!
( *・∀・)ノ゛

Well, you know what? I think i'll be more active when the Vacations ends...

Aw man, I'm sorry if I wasn't active for almost a month, please forgive me, I'll try to be more active for my website... also I went on vacations...

Thanks for 50000 views on my Website, I'm so happy and proud of you guys! I'll try my best to be more active on my website...

Man, it was about like 2 weeks since the last time I updated this page, I think you shoudln't expect me to post news as often as before, I sometimes forget this website exist...

Who's Number 46853?(and Happy Children Day!)

Not only I finished the french version for the other characters from Jacob Lenard's Cartoons... But today is Jacob Lenard's birthday, I don't know if it's awkward to say it like that...

Two weeks... Without anything new, sorry if I was really busy, don't blame me, blame the exams and homeworks... I'll try to finish the french version of the page for the characters from Lenstar's other cartoons...
(_ _*)Zzz

Today is May the 4th. Happy Star Wars day and May the Fourth be with you!

I finally did the page for the characters from Lenstar's other show in the English part of the website! I did it!
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Sorry, I sometimes forget this website exist, Here is drawing of Saltine through the ages, is it enough to be forgiven? (And to wait for the big Update?)

Alright, I suppose it's time for me to begin to add Jacob Lenard's other cartoons (by beginning to add a page about the characters of those shows in the character section), They might not be as great as Mugman is, but still, I'm pretty sure you'll like them!
(`∀´ )Ψ

Happy Earth Day! As I hope it will stay clean enough!

Well, I think I should try to speak about something else other than Mugman... A while ago, I made this fan art of Cookie Run... "Cookie Run : Ovenbreak" is a Game that you totally should try! I really love Cookie run!

Good news : The Gallery page is now Available!
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I don't know what should I do, maybe I should do the Gallery page (for the english part of the website)... Otherwise, I'm bored...
(_ _*)Zzz

I know I should have said it the day before yesterday, but the page for my OCs and Pseudo-OCs (in the english part) is finally complete (At the moment, since I might add some other characters in the future)

I finally did the page for my OCs and Pseudo-OCs, but only for the French part of my website at the moment. I'll do the english one tomorrow! Good night!
(_ _*)Zzz

I am going to open in the Character page, a page for my OCs and Pseudo-OCs, I hope you'll like my OCs and Pseudo-OCs when the page will open!
__〆(⌒‿⌒ )

I almost forgot to show you this art I've made since a while, it's about 8 variations of Pementa (in her 2017 Version). I'm very proud of this art.

Happy Easter and Happy Egg Hunt! Just don't eat too much Chocolate, or else you'll finish like Sunshine in the drawing I made...

According to Jacob Lenard, Mugman's 1st drawing has been made on late-March 2013. I could say it's Mugman's 8th Birthday! Happy Birthday Mugman!

I added 101 menu arts to the website (Even thought it's 99 Without the 2 unused ones), but I'm going further than this!

I am writing the script for a new french dub of a Mugman episode : "Mugman's Pet"!


As of Today, the Guestbook page is now Open!

The day before yesterday, I tried a game called "Friday Night Funkin", An hard but cool rhythm game! So I decided to make a fan art of it.

Here is a version without the quotes.

My website just got 25000 views. Sure, it's not amazing, but it will be when this number will double!

Today, Jacob Lenard announced that he will take a very long break to improve his drawings and (especially I hope) his behaviour... I have one thing to say :
"See you later, Jacob lenard! I hope your drawings and your behaviour will improve with time"
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Today is Cosmictoons' birthday, He's the one who supported and helped me during the developpement of the website. Cosmictoons, if you're watching this, I owe you a great debt.

I'll be honest, While I think the Characters in their classic form are very good...
I honestly Think Their Modern form are underrated (Especially Pementa's One)
And also, While I Usually prefer Mugman to Pementa In their classic form...
I think Pementa's Modern version is Way Better than Mugman's Modern Version

I know it's kinda late to say this. But the English version of the News Page Finally Opened!

Oh wait, since Jacob Lenard Re Uploaded (almost) all his Mugman Videos, the Maintenance of the "Cartoons" page is over!

I have to tell you that due to the Drama that Made Jacob Lenard Delete all his Videos, The Cartoon Page will temporary be on maintenance... I know, It's sad to Hear...

But don't worry, someone is reuploading the Videos, so it will be back very soon!

Once again, Thank you so much. My website just got 20000 Views! I am really proud of my website and of the Web-Surfers who visit my website!

Well, Fortunately, Mugman is still as good and Likeable, And I upgraded my website, So there can be an english version! WOO-HOO!
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[This Post was requested to be deleted]

Guess what? I am going to make an english version of the Website, so english speakers can visit it.

I would have liked to add in my website Jacob Lenard's other Cartoons (Pike's lagoon, Loose ends, Evaporate, etc)... But... I don't know if this would ruin the "Mugman" part of the Website..

I should post more often in this website... By the way, I didn't get any new mails since 2 months... 2 MONTHS!
。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。

Why do I forget to post in this website? Maybe due to personnals problems...

Happy Valentine's Day! What do you think of my drawing?

I suppose that today is the Chinese New year! It will be Valentine's Day in two days too, I have to do a drawing about Valentine's Day.

I'm bored.

Yesterday, I've made a (Two) drawings of Saltine (Pementa's Old Sister) in an Almost human version (Like Pementa in 2017)

And here is a version without the coat

By the way, guess what I got Yesterday? A Mugman Plush! this plush is now my favorite plush!

After more than one week of inactivity, I am finally back on this Page! Cool Uh?

This Page isn't really useful anymore, I'll stop posting for a while

However, there is a problem : I didn't have any emails since ONE MONTH AND FIVE DAYS!
What do I need more to have another E-mail?

I added a "Welcome" Gif probably to try making this page more welcoming (Ps: "Bienvenue" Means "Welcome" In french).

Oh man, it was about one week that I didn't post anything on this page... I'm sorry if I kept you waiting, here is an Image of Mugman (2017 version) who is sleeping...(PS : I made the Image)
( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Today is the birthday of one of my friends who is called : Ines B. She's a very special friend, Because in the french dub of "Mugman gets into shape", she Voice acted Teanna.

My website just got 10000 Views!!! and it makes me really proud of my website!.

I just remembered about this drawing I made with my Drawing tablet (that I got on my birthday) and that I drew because I had a difficult start with this drawing tablet and I said "What's the technique?"

Today is my birthday, so say happy birthday to me!
And by the way, Cosmictoons, thank you so much for this beautiful Image! (And yes, I'm Totofer77)

2020 was a terrible year not only because of the COVID 19 pandemic, but also for the same reason as why 2018 and 2019 weren't good years : The Absence of new (Official) episodes of Mugman. Look how it makes Mugman very sad to not have any new episodes for 3 years...

01/01/ 2021 !!!!!!!
I wish you all a very very Happy New year 2021, and I hope it will be Way Better than 2020.

Alright, I finally readjusted The pages from the "Character" page (For real this time), Take a look in!

The pages from the "Character" page are readjusted, Take a look in!

Have you been nice this year? Then Merry (day after) Christmas and an happy new year ^_~.

By the way, Why nobody is sending me E-Mails? Are you affraid of Asking me questions or sending me Suggestions or Fan arts? ╯︿╰
Finally, the French Dub of "Mugman's Wish" is done and is now Published, Take a look at the Video page ;P

Today, I had a dream, about Star Wars, But the Characters are replaced by Character From Mugman and From Jacob Lenard's Other cartoons.

You can't find the Seasonal arts? I'll give you 2 clues: 1- The Logo is different from the classic menu arts, 2- When you refresh the menu page (By clicking on the Image), The Image will randomly change.

I added 2 special Menu arts That I called "Seasonal arts", They are availble only for a limited time.

Yesterday, I got a fan art I liked so much that I would add it to my Gallery, If I had one.

I added some new images for the menu. Those images came from the old (and defunct) Website called "". And yes, is's successor (Like Neocities is Geocities' Successor).

In the animation goofs page (in "Stuff"), I added two images I overlooked until I found them.

Ah, Another positive comment! The way I'm going is good. ^_^

I added a page for E-Mails. Send me some Emails! :>

I personnaly think that Johnny and Wario are characters that have similarities (Since if Johnny had to be a character from the Mario Franchise, he would be Wario). So, I made this art that looks like the box art of "Wario World", but it's Johnny

Incredible, I got 1500 views in only one half-Say (plus 1 follower).

How lucky I am, while I was Upgrading my website, I got 2 positives messages since the 1st Day :).

Well, Here is my 1st post... And... This is the 1st post of the Website...